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A Lip-Smacking Keto Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe

This convivial guide will walk you through the creation of a mouthwatering keto cauliflower pizza crust. This low-carb variant of the conventional pizza crust is not only health-friendly but also incredibly tasty.

Let's Gather our Ingredients:

For your keto cauliflower pizza crust, you'll need:

  • One medium-sized cauliflower head

  • A cup of shredded mozzarella cheese

  • A ¼ quarter cup of Parmesan cheese, finely chopped

  • One teaspoon of the ever-aromatic dried oregano

  • A teaspoon of garlic powder for subtle zest

  • Half a teaspoon of salt

  • A quarter teaspoon of black pepper, ground

  • Two large eggs

  • And, of course, any pizza toppings that bring you joy. Don't shy away from playing around with more cheese, some scrumptious vegetables, or various types of meal

Time to Start Cooking:

Preheat the Oven:

Kick things off by getting your oven nice and toasty at 400°F (200°C).

The Cauliflower Prepping:

  • Begin by liberating your cauliflower head from its leaves and stem.

  • Segregate the cauliflower into smaller, manageable florets.

  • In a food processor, give these florets a quick whirl until they take on the consistency of rice.

Cooking the Cauliflower:

  • Scoot the cauliflower 'rice' into a microwave-safe container.

  • Zap this in your microwave for about 4-5 minutes, or until your cauliflower feels cooked and tender.

  • Be patient and let it cool off momentarily.

Wicking Away the Moisture:

Once your cauliflower has cooled off, transport it to a fresh kitchen towel or cheesecloth. Then, it's time to squeeze. Apply some elbow grease here and wring out as much liquid as you can. The less moisture, the crispier your crust will be.

Crafting the Cauliflower Dough:

  • Grab a mixing bowl and bring together the moisture-drained cauliflower, shredded mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, spices like oregano, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper.

  • Mix these ingredients until they're all good friends.

Now, for the Eggs:

  • In a separate bowl, show the eggs who’s boss and give them a good beating.

  • Welcome these beaten eggs to the cauliflower mixture party and stir everything until it's all happily mixed.

Shaping the Crust:

  • Next, present a baking sheet adorned with parchment paper for your cauliflower mixture.

  • Gently transfer the mixture onto the baking sheet and persuade it using your hands to spread out into a thin layer. You are the artist, and the cauliflower mixture is the clay - shape it round or rectangle, the world is your oyster.

Baking the Crust:

  • Bake this stunning creation in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, or until the edges get crispy and the crust turns golden brown.

The Fun Part - Toppings:

  • Once the crust is baked, give it a brief respite outside the oven.

  • Now's when you artistically arrange your favourite low-carb pizza toppings on this beautiful canvas.

The Final Bake:

  • Lovingly place your topping-laden pizza back in the oven just long enough for the cheese to get all melty and bubbly, which usually doesn't take too long.

The Finale - Serve and Enjoy:

The time has come to slice up your keto cauliflower pizza masterpiece, serve it while it's still hot and savour your handiwork. Revel in the fact that you're enjoying a pizza while still sticking religiously to your keto diet!

This cauliflower pizza crust is not just about reducing carb intake; it's a delicious compromise that keeps both taste buds and health in check.